10 things to do in January

The days are dark, the exciting mayhem of Christmas has passed, the bank balance is looking pretty sad and your trousers are feeling tight…

Ugh, feeling the effects of the January blues? Not now that that we are here to give you a list of things to do for the first month of 2017!

Ok so some of them are on the ‘sensible’ side (who said ‘boring’?), but what better time of year to refresh, reboot, get organised, and try some interesting new things?

  1. Get organised. (So let’s get the slightly less-riveting ones over and done with first). Whether it’s school, college, uni or work, there’s nothing quite as revitalising as a bit of tidying up and organisation using folders, files or whatever other stationery takes your fancy (come on, who doesn’t like a nice bit of stationery?). No more stressful hunting under the bed for that important assignment!
  2. Sort out your personal documents. Where are your bank statements, phone bills and more importantly your passport?? Oh yes, your pass to discover the world is down the sewer system of your local pub after one too many drinks? Apply for a My ID Card, supported by pubs, bars, clubs, retailers, police and government – this is the most reliable way to prove your age. It costs just £15 to apply, and will only cost the same to replace (rather than £80+ to replace your passport).
  3. Go and see a film. True, the cinema isn’t THAT cheap these days, but go on a deal day and smuggle in your own snacks (shhh). Don’t forget your ID card, depending on what rating your film is.
  4. Go to a free museum or exhibition. Get your culture on and go see some paintings, photographs or historical artefacts; there are so many cool exhibitions that are totally free and totally inspiring.
  5. Meet up with friends for a coffee. Everything always seems so much better after a good old chat and laugh with your mates. Even in January! For just the cost of a drink you can have a lazy afternoon together in one of the many lovely cafes and coffee shops in your area.
  6. Exercise in your local park. Get your sweats on (loving that elasticated waistband right now!) and go for a walk or run in the park. The fresh air and exercise will lift your mood and burn off that Christmas cheeseboard you demolished.
  7. Take a trip to the seaside. Yes, we know it’s January but for the small cost of a train journey or car ride it’s great to have a change of scene and blow away the cobwebs. Watch those dramatic waves then get some chips or a hot chocolate to warm you up (at least until those summer days come back).
  8. Have friends over for drinks. Save your club entry fee and venue’s mark up on drinks and have your buddies over for a few beers or vinos for just the cost of a small supermarket shop (or tell them to BYO!) Supermarkets accept My ID Card, so don’t forget your photo ID for when you need to prove your age.
  9. Go swimming. Leisure centres and sports clubs don’t usually charge much for you to use their pool. Have a relaxing swim and pretend you’re on your holidays already, or go with a group of mates for an adventurous afternoon on the flumes!
  10. Go shopping. Ok so you said you’re a bit strapped for cash after Christmas, but you’d be amazed at what bargains you can find for next to nothing in the January sales.

Apply for a My ID Card today if you need to prove your age for any activities in 2017!

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