
My ID Card’s Revision Tips to help you stay motivated.

Almost half way through your GCSE Exams – You’re doing great, keep up the good work! Try My ID Card’s Revision Tips to help you stay motivated.

Rest breaks are essential, to stop the information you are trying to learn becoming foggy!  Throughout the day take several 10-15 min short breaks, move about and do some stretches. Have a walk around the garden, take some deep breaths of fresh air and drink plenty of water.  You will be surprised by how refreshed you feel when you go back to the books and how clear the information in front of you becomes.

Of course, your GCSE exams are extremely important as they are the foundations for shaping your future, no one is suggesting that you bunk off or skip revising.  However, Leading experts claim that taking a full day off is also beneficial as it allows your body a rest from hunching over your desk and your mind the opportunity to absorb everything it has learnt.

To avoid losing your rhythm,  before shutting the books down make yourself a few notes on what you have covered and a few goals of what you want to continue learning.

On your day off, don’t waste it languishing in your bed, we already discussed how your body needs to move to stay vibrant and energised!  Meet up with friends for lunch, take in a film at the cinema.  May, June and July sees the release of some great films like Deadpool 2, Sicario, one for the girls Mama Mia- Here we go again or watch Ethan Hunt tackle his latest assignment in Mission impossible – Fallout.  Whether it is horror, drama, action or comedy, one thing is for sure, you will be asked for ID in line with The British Board of Film Classification for each film’s age rating. A quick reminder for you of what they are.

Universal 15 Cert 18 Cert Parental Guidance 12a Cert 12 cert




PASS Proof of age cards are accepted at all major cinema chains across the country.  Don’t be embarrassed at the kiosk, be prepared and be ready with My ID Card

When you return to study, put the books to one side have a quick look at your notes then on a plain piece of paper, quiz yourself, don’t waste time looking up something you have forgotten, just write down everything you can remember.  This is a major part of your revision, when you open the books again, you can focus on what had slipped you mind – You may just totally surprise yourself!

Exam nerves may be a concern for many of you, studies have shown that you can practice your exams in your mind through visualisation.  To do this find yourself a quiet place, control your breathing, using the 4-7-8 technique. Breathe in for 4 seconds hold it for 7 seconds and then exhale for 8 seconds,   do this 3 or 4 times until you feel very calm and relaxed.  Now visualise the exam room, imagine the desks laid out, the paper, your stationery.  In your mind’s eye make it as real as possible, imagine everything even the smell!  See yourself working through the questions one by one calmly and positively.  Take a few moments at the end of each revision session to try this, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

On exam day if the jitters kick in, just take a moment to practice your breathing and take your mind to that calm exam room – the one you know so well through your visualisation.

Once you turn the paper have a quick look through, do a quick calculation – questions by time so you know how much time you can spend on each.  If one question doesn’t make much sense, move onto the next, you can come back to it.  Stay focused and positive, you have put the work in now show how hard you have worked and smash it!

Repetition is the key to all muscle memory, whilst the brain is of course an organ, it is often referred to as a muscle of thinking, so keep up the reps and train your Brain!