Get more for your money in the Black Friday sales with My ID Rewards

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are essentially a way for retailers to sell you more, but on high priced goods, there are certainly some great savings to be made. This year’s event takes place on Friday 24th November and is generally online and on the high street through to Cyber Monday 27th November.

What to look out for

In most cases, the retailers like to keep the details of their Black Friday’s sales in the black box until the day, but we know from past years that big high street name Superdry are likely to offer a minimum 20% discount across the range, couple this with a further 7% when you pay with a pre-purchased shopping card from My ID Rewards and you really are getting a bargain.
Boots are likely to have some fabulous gift sets; maybe Soap and Glory or perhaps Ted Baker at half price? Don’t miss out on a little extra with 6% saving on your pre-purchased Shopping card
Curry’s and PC World have been renowned in past years for selling cut price Laptops, tablets and other top tech devices during their Black Friday event, not to mention household appliances and TV’s. Just how smug will you feel knowing you got an extra 5.5% off more than the person behind you with the same product!
Perhaps you are a parent with two or more Children? Maybe you need to take advantage of the Black Friday Sales to help spread the cost of the Christmas – don’t let it drag you down, get the very best from your money – With My ID Rewards you can save 8% at Toys R Us, 7% across the Arcadia group including Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, Burtons, Wallis and Miss Selfridge’s, 6% at Goldsmiths, the list goes on and on, there is absolutely something for everyone.

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Planning the Perfect Hen Weekend – What Happens with the Hens Stays with the Hens

“What Happens with the Hens Stays with the Hens”

Yes that final big party weekend away with the girls before you sweetly say “I DO”

Some choose to go abroad but the falling pound and rising air travel charges can often make the overall cost unreachable for some and we all know that the bride, wants as many of her “Besties” with her as possible to really make the party go with a swing!

The UK has some fantastic cities and towns which can really set the scene for making a most memorable and explosive Hen Weekend.

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Valentine’s Day survival guide (…and the one card you mustn’t forget this year)

Do you remember the first Valentine’s Day card you ever received? Perhaps it was a wonky heart fashioned from red playschool crepe paper, or a portrait sketched in charcoal in the back row of GCSE Art. What about the first valentine you ever sent? Did you wear a groove in the carpet of the card shop as you paced to and fro’ trying to find the perfect way to say “be mine”? Or maybe you were the secret admirer, hand-delivering a poem incognito by moonlight.

One thing’s for sure, no matter what age you are, how many cards you have (or haven’t!) sent and received, or what your relationship status is, Valentine’s Day can be tricky territory. Here’s a few things you can do (or not do!) to make sure yours is all hearts and flowers…

Don’t even think of going on a first date

Yes, we know it’s supposed to be the most romantic night of the year, but it’s not a wise idea to line that initial date up for February 14th itself. You’ll just be surrounded by couples smooching and cuddling, while you’re still at the awkward early conversation stage of finding out where they grew up and what their favourite pizza topping is. Go out the following week instead (we know you’re keen, but playing it cool works better anyway).

Do spend the evening with your buddies

No date on February 14th? No problem! Celebrate the joys of freedom, independence and friendship instead. Cook up one of those delicious dishes you’ve been pinning, dig out your favourite board games or vinyls, rent a non-rom-com, and invite all the single ladies (and/or guys) round to yours. Moping around alone in a onesie with a family pack of Wispas never did anyone any good. Read more

10 things to do in January

The days are dark, the exciting mayhem of Christmas has passed, the bank balance is looking pretty sad and your trousers are feeling tight…

Ugh, feeling the effects of the January blues? Not now that that we are here to give you a list of things to do for the first month of 2017!

Ok so some of them are on the ‘sensible’ side (who said ‘boring’?), but what better time of year to refresh, reboot, get organised, and try some interesting new things?

  1. Get organised. (So let’s get the slightly less-riveting ones over and done with first). Whether it’s school, college, uni or work, there’s nothing quite as revitalising as a bit of tidying up and organisation using folders, files or whatever other stationery takes your fancy (come on, who doesn’t like a nice bit of stationery?). No more stressful hunting under the bed for that important assignment!
  2. Sort out your personal documents. Where are your bank statements, phone bills and more importantly your passport?? Oh yes, your pass to discover the world is down the sewer system of your local pub after one too many drinks? Apply for a My ID Card, supported by pubs, bars, clubs, retailers, police and government – this is the most reliable way to prove your age. It costs just £15 to apply, and will only cost the same to replace (rather than £80+ to replace your passport).
  3. Go and see a film. True, the cinema isn’t THAT cheap these days, but go on a deal day and smuggle in your own snacks (shhh). Don’t forget your ID card, depending on what rating your film is.
  4. Go to a free museum or exhibition. Get your culture on and go see some paintings, photographs or historical artefacts; there are so many cool exhibitions that are totally free and totally inspiring.
  5. Meet up with friends for a coffee. Everything always seems so much better after a good old chat and laugh with your mates. Even in January! For just the cost of a drink you can have a lazy afternoon together in one of the many lovely cafes and coffee shops in your area.
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Over 25 and proud of it: ID rules for parties and celebrations this festive season

Money [check], lippy [check], ID [But I’m over 25!]

When you’re over 25 and you get asked for ID on a night out, you may feel like all your Christmas’ have come at once. It’s obviously your youthful glow…right?

Hitting the clubs and pubs this festive season, you may experience more venues than usual asking for your ID – regardless of whether you look your age, or not.

Security staff can now request your ID before they’ll let you in, using their scanning machine to verify its authenticity. It’s even more hi-tech than those face creams you’ve got stashed in the bathroom cupboard…

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