5 things to do this summer on a budget – you might need an ID card

Ray Bans at the ready, summer wardrobe on standby and the glorious whiff of sun cream in the air…

The sun is shining but sadly the student bank balance is not looking so bright. So where can you can go and what can you do to enjoy the summer with your friends on a budget? Here’s 5 ideas to ensure you have a wild summer without having to scratch around in the dregs of your spare change too often – but be prepared, you might need an ID card to prove your age for some of the activities below.

  1. Camping in your back garden
    Create your own mini festival! Dust off the old tent, put some bunting up, make some low-cost street food (think pittas, hummus, falafels, burritos) and invite your friends over for the night. If you fancy a few drinks, grab yourself a deal at one of the supermarkets. My ID Card is a PASS ID card that’s accepted in supermarkets if you need to prove your age when buying alcohol.
  2. Hit the seaside
    Jump into your bikini or swimmers and hit the road to the beach! The UK has an abundance of beautiful coastline to explore, so go and check out some of the sunbathing talent and dip your toes in the water. Save cash by packing a picnic and don’t forget your sun cream.
  3. Picnic in the park
    Get your mates together and head to your local park or recreation ground. Pack some sarnies, snacks, a picnic blanket and maybe some cheeky cans to drink. Enjoy an afternoon of chilling, chatting and perhaps even a game of rounders, frisbee or the ‘Who Am I?’ name game (if you prefer to stay horizontal). If you’re picking up booze on the way, don’t forget your ID card to prove your age in the supermarket or off licence.
  4. Sprinklers and hose pipes
    Water play is just as fun for big kids as it is for little ones! If it’s a roasting hot day, then what better way to cool down than running through your sprinkler in the garden or spraying your friends with a hose pipe. You could even pick up some cheap water pistols from your nearest pound shop to make it even more hilarious. If you don’t have a hose pipe then why not just use buckets and containers for a good old water fight?
  5. Outdoor cinema
    Do you have a projector? If not, you could just use your tablet or laptop to watch a film in your garden on a summer evening. Get lots of cushions, blankets, snacks and drinks and cosy up under the stars to enjoy your favourite film. Of course if it rains you can always hit the cinema on a 2 for 1 night to save pennies! Don’t forget your ID card though – you might need to prove your age at the cinema if you’re hoping to see an 18+ film.

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Dance every night with this official ID card for clubs

Eat, sleep, rave, repeat: if you’re heading out on the town, chances are you’ll be wondering what the deal is when it comes to having an ID card for clubs.

“Hey, can I see your ID please?” … Uh oh, we’ve all been there, haven’t we? And getting turned away from a club in front of all your mates simply because you’ve failed to prove your age is a club night to become known only by the name Cringe Central, whatever day of the week it is.

So, how can you get the right ID card for clubs and verify your age?

Forget that dog-eared library card. It’s not your ticket to the dancefloor and bar. Avoid taking your passport or driving license out with you. Yes, they are official forms of ID for clubs and will be accepted but it’s expensive to replace them if they get lost. Plus, none of us want to worry about ID theft if our wallet or hand bag gets pinched while we’re lost in music under the club lights. Added downer, they can take ages to replace (think of all the nights out you’ll have to miss while you’re waiting for a replacement).

A less risky ID card for clubs

My ID Card is the official, PASS-accredited photo ID card accepted by most clubs across the UK as well as in cinemas, bars, restaurants and shops selling age-restricted goods and services. It’s easy to apply for and it only costs £15. Plus, it’s fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Security Industry Authority (SIA) and the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) – so all those doormen you know and love are safe in the knowledge that it’s the real deal. Read more

I’m a student, get me away from my dissertation…

It’s been looming for a while and the deadline is getting closer. Sadly the promise of summer is a still a little way off, and if you’re at university it might be time to face the music and get your dissertation written now. With deadlines on the horizon, sometimes it’s nice to take five minutes out to think about how you can enjoy your time once your dissertation is finished. Here are some ideas if you have a few moments to dream in between writing paragraphs…

  • A trip to the beach. You can feel the sand beneath your toes as you picture sunny days and swimming in the sea. Even if it’s not on warmer climes, you could still look forward to a break in a fun town like Brighton, Blackpool or Newquay. You won’t want to miss out on the beachfront partying though, so you’ll need to make sure you have a proof of age card if you’re planning on any seaside drinks or clubbing
  • The pub. A long lazy afternoon… and evening with friends would be a welcome break to all that studying. The last thing you’ll need is being refused a drink at the bar, so have your proof of age card at the ready so you can relax
  • How about seeing a film at the cinema? After spending night after night looking at your Mac or PC, wouldn’t it be great to have some welcome relief watching a film that isn’t related to your dissertation subject for a change? If you’re blessed with young-looking genes, having a proof of age card will ensure that you don’t get turned away at the ticket desk for being too young for an 18 certificate film
  • For a real celebration, a European trip away could be right up your street. There are bargains to be found on cheap flights to Barcelona, Paris and load of other cool destinations in Europe. Get a few friends together, book a cheap B&B, and have a couple of nights away… you’ve worked hard for it after all

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Don’t miss the party this Easter weekend

The weather is getting sunnier, the Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies are out in force in all the stores, which tells you that the Easter weekend is fast approaching. Although traditionally the bank holiday tends to be a washout, you won’t want your social plans to be a washout too, so it’s well worth making sure that you’ve got your proof of age ID PASS card in your wallet for every eventuality.

After all, the last thing you’ll want to do is stay home eating the leftover chocolate when all your friends have got into the bar or club – and you haven’t.

Whatever your Easter plans over the weekend, you’ll need proof of age to get into the clubs and bars. Not forgetting any alcohol or e-cigarettes. Plus, if you’re planning on getting in to watch an 18+ film if the weather does turn as a bank holiday often does, you won’t want to be turned away for forgetting your ID.

At only £15 for your My ID PASS card, it’s a small price to pay when there’s some serious pre-exam Easter partying coming up over the next weekend. Read more

Now you can get a proof of age card that doesn’t ask you to identify as male or female

Do you identify as non-binary? Now you can apply for a proof of age card without having to state your gender.

My ID Card recently changed its application form and provides a non-gender specific proof of age card for those who identify as pangender, intergender, androgyne, genderfluid, agender or any other non-binary group. My ID Card is an official, PASS-accredited proof of age card that’s fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).

A positive change for everyone

The change has been introduced following a recent request from the father of a teenager who is non-binary. Keith Farnish was frustrated that other ID card providers asked for gender or a gendered prefix such as Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms on their application form, and that this might appear on the card itself, possibly alienating non-binary individuals. Mx – the preferred title of some non-binary people – is not commonly offered as an option.

Gender boxes have now been removed from the My ID Card application form in order to become more inclusive and gender does not appear on the proof of age card itself.

Speaking in a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Farnish said: Read more

Don’t be a loner this summer – remember your photo ID card

Whoever says that winter is the loneliest time of year has obviously never felt their heart freeze over like a polar bear’s windscreen as they hang out with their single self, seeing couples high on summer love in every park, on every beach and on every dancefloor.

To make matters worse, from Summer Love by Justin Timberlake and Summertime by Beyoncé, to that old classic Summer Nights by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John, just about every song we hear serves to remind us that ‘summer’ and ‘love’ go together like ice cream and chocolate sprinkles.

We know it’s only March but the days will be hotting-up sooner than you can say “factor 50” so check out our advice on finding your summer romance. Feel your heart thaw and your spirits soar.

Say “¡Hola! stranger” with a BBQ

Once the clocks change at the end of this month, the time is officially right to get the BBQ back out of the garage (even if you might need to huddle around it for warmth after sunset). There is no faster way to get a gang of mates round your house than to send out those three magic words, “BBQ round mine?”. Why not add “…bring a friend” to that message?  Sometimes good things happen when you’re daring (undercooked sausages being the exception).

Before you head to the supermarket, make sure you’ve got a photo ID card with you if your shopping list includes alcohol as well as burgers and baps, to make sure that you can prove your age.

My ID Card is easy to apply for and it only costs £15. This official, PASS-accredited photo ID card is accepted by most supermarkets and shops across the UK, as well as cinemas, bars and restaurants. Plus, it’s fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) – so everyone is safe in the knowledge that it’s the real deal. Read more

Revision tips to put Spring back into your step

Ah, the joys of Spring! Flowers will soon be poking their sleepy heads up through the soil, fresh leaves will fill every branch in green technicolour, the evenings will seem endless and the days will be warmer. Just in time for…exam season. Great.

It’s one of life’s cruel jokes that just as the first flush of fine weather hits, along with its associated social life – BBQs, days at the beach, chilling in the park with friends, festivals, general fun – those studying must remain chained to their books and screens, indoors and in misery.


Hey, listen – it’s not all doom and gloom. Yeah, exams are very important but so is balance and it is possible to get fantastic results without turning into a hermit/vampire/cave beetle/all of the above. In fact, a smart revision timetable with proper downtime built in to it means you’re even more likely to achieve your best marks.

We’re here to share some revision tips with you to help you feel more sunny and hopeful than a bright spring dawn (…well, almost). Read more

Valentine’s Day survival guide (…and the one card you mustn’t forget this year)

Do you remember the first Valentine’s Day card you ever received? Perhaps it was a wonky heart fashioned from red playschool crepe paper, or a portrait sketched in charcoal in the back row of GCSE Art. What about the first valentine you ever sent? Did you wear a groove in the carpet of the card shop as you paced to and fro’ trying to find the perfect way to say “be mine”? Or maybe you were the secret admirer, hand-delivering a poem incognito by moonlight.

One thing’s for sure, no matter what age you are, how many cards you have (or haven’t!) sent and received, or what your relationship status is, Valentine’s Day can be tricky territory. Here’s a few things you can do (or not do!) to make sure yours is all hearts and flowers…

Don’t even think of going on a first date

Yes, we know it’s supposed to be the most romantic night of the year, but it’s not a wise idea to line that initial date up for February 14th itself. You’ll just be surrounded by couples smooching and cuddling, while you’re still at the awkward early conversation stage of finding out where they grew up and what their favourite pizza topping is. Go out the following week instead (we know you’re keen, but playing it cool works better anyway).

Do spend the evening with your buddies

No date on February 14th? No problem! Celebrate the joys of freedom, independence and friendship instead. Cook up one of those delicious dishes you’ve been pinning, dig out your favourite board games or vinyls, rent a non-rom-com, and invite all the single ladies (and/or guys) round to yours. Moping around alone in a onesie with a family pack of Wispas never did anyone any good. Read more

New year, new movies, new photo ID card

With the Golden Globe awards happening last weekend and the Oscars and BAFTAs just around the corner, there’s a definite movie buzz in the air. But the cinema’s not cheap these days, so you’ll want to spend your cash wisely (and still have some pennies left over for snacks). Why not take a look at our rundown of some of the latest movies to help you decide what takes your fancy…

Oh, but before we get started, don’t forget your proof of age photo ID card if you’re going to see an age-restricted film. At just £15, My ID Card costs hardly any more than your average cinema ticket. This official, PASS-accredited photo ID Card is accepted by many cinemas across the UK and fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).

Ok, shh, who’s whispering at the back? Let the show begin…

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10 things to do in January

The days are dark, the exciting mayhem of Christmas has passed, the bank balance is looking pretty sad and your trousers are feeling tight…

Ugh, feeling the effects of the January blues? Not now that that we are here to give you a list of things to do for the first month of 2017!

Ok so some of them are on the ‘sensible’ side (who said ‘boring’?), but what better time of year to refresh, reboot, get organised, and try some interesting new things?

  1. Get organised. (So let’s get the slightly less-riveting ones over and done with first). Whether it’s school, college, uni or work, there’s nothing quite as revitalising as a bit of tidying up and organisation using folders, files or whatever other stationery takes your fancy (come on, who doesn’t like a nice bit of stationery?). No more stressful hunting under the bed for that important assignment!
  2. Sort out your personal documents. Where are your bank statements, phone bills and more importantly your passport?? Oh yes, your pass to discover the world is down the sewer system of your local pub after one too many drinks? Apply for a My ID Card, supported by pubs, bars, clubs, retailers, police and government – this is the most reliable way to prove your age. It costs just £15 to apply, and will only cost the same to replace (rather than £80+ to replace your passport).
  3. Go and see a film. True, the cinema isn’t THAT cheap these days, but go on a deal day and smuggle in your own snacks (shhh). Don’t forget your ID card, depending on what rating your film is.
  4. Go to a free museum or exhibition. Get your culture on and go see some paintings, photographs or historical artefacts; there are so many cool exhibitions that are totally free and totally inspiring.
  5. Meet up with friends for a coffee. Everything always seems so much better after a good old chat and laugh with your mates. Even in January! For just the cost of a drink you can have a lazy afternoon together in one of the many lovely cafes and coffee shops in your area.
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